Saturday, July 23, 2016

Green Grasshopper

Green grasshopper,
you hop through this rotten world
like an angel .
you are the only thing that matters.
fuck another grasshopper.
that is all that matters!
jump! fly through this dirt
like a man!
men cant fly you know,
they think they can.

you, creature,
creep the whole world
with your thinking eyes.
eating what you get,
mating what you get,
living life until you are
eaten, or beaten by the sunset.

 You amuse a woman
like no man ever could.
confidence and charm
bustling through your freshness.
I could eat you , you know
like I would a vegetable.
but I will spare you,
for I love you,
not like a woman loves a man,
but like a man loves a woman.
I mean, if you battle your eyelids
and if it disgusts me by any chance,
I shall leave you without a second glance.

but look! look how it trots away
as if I were a fool!
look , I am huge, and could crush you!

It flied! damn! it flied!
for a while,
maybe I though I could too :/

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